DiaL is a database of Social Gerontology prepared by The Dia Foundation for Research on Ageing Societies ("The Dia Foundation") The materials are collected from various articles on related Japanese journals and introduced free to the public on the internet. The bibliographic items and abstracts can be downloaded by way of DiaL search system.
The Dia Foundation was established in 1993, funded by 29 Mitsubishi group companies. Since then in the private sector, the Dia Foundation has been conducting practical research and investigations regarding the ageing society as well as various activities of enlightenment with an aim to realizing "a happy and active ageing society."
In the United States, Gerontology as an interdisciplinary study has set up and such bibliographic database as "Age Line" provided by AARP ( American Association of Retired Persons ) is now utilized worldwide.
On the other hand, in Japan, there still exists no such interdisciplinary database of Social Gerontology covering wider areas concerning issues of ageing society and aged persons, although each academic society has individually made efforts to prepare its own database. In addition, the fact that the Aged Line does not contain any articles written in Japanese language prevents any foreign researchers, who are interested in the studies of ageing society in Japan, from making access to relative source of information.
The Dia Foundation has invented DiaL in expectation of further progress in the studies of our country´s ageing society, thus contributing to international exchange of intelligence in this particular field. The Dia Foundation hopes DiaL will be of fuller use to any student, researcher and other person who is interested in this study.
The Dia Foundation for Research on Ageing Socities is fully responsible for the input of the whole information contained in DiaL.